The World Lottery Association

world lottery association

The World Lottery Association (WLA) is a member-based organization to advance the interests of State-authorized lotteries. WLA Members comprise more than 150 state-regulated lottery and sports betting operators from 80 countries across five continents, raising funds for good causes by selling fun entertaining games in a responsible manner. Their combined revenues are over $250 billion.

WLA offers a complete portfolio of services to help Lottery Members and their suppliers succeed. These include the WLA Security Control Standard, which sets global best practices for security and risk management for lottery and sports betting operations, helping them to earn confidence both from players and their suppliers. WLA also provides information services like the WLA Quarterly Lottery Sales Indicator and the WLA Global Lottery Data Compendium, which deliver data on the global lottery sector that is precise, authentic, and up to date.

As part of their membership, all Regular Members have agreed to abide by the Seven Responsible Gaming Principles and participate in the WLA Responsible Gambling Framework. The Framework allows for cultural and regional differences and is designed to improve – not replace – the safeguards that lotteries have already in place.

In addition to the support provided by their colleagues at regional lotteries, the WLA Business Office in Lausanne is available to all Members on a daily basis for help with the wide range of issues that they face. This includes advising on how to develop a responsible gaming policy, addressing concerns about illegal activity and supporting them in their dialogue with legislators on issues of concern.