A lottery number is a 32-character code that identifies an applicant where he or she fits in the admissions process. Unlike the traditional lottery, which uses a random drawing, the numbers used for the DOE’s lottery are generated, based on class level information from the Registrar’s Office.
The first eight characters of the lottery number are used as tie-breakers. These characters provide over 4 billion possible combinations.
Some parents have questioned the Department of Education’s decision to release the lottery numbers before the list was submitted. They say the numbers are unfair. However, literature suggests that the system does not penalize students. In fact, having a single number increases the chances of matching a student to the school of his or her choice.
Parents can also request that their children’s lottery numbers be released under the Freedom of Information Law. This gives families a chance to view the information the DOE uses to decide where their children attend school.
Most lotteries allow their players to receive a randomly generated set of numbers. Using a lottery number generator provides a safe and unbiased way to pick the numbers. It does not guarantee a win, but it may give you an edge over the competition.
Before the Department of Education released the lottery number, a group of parents launched a campaign to request the numbers from the schools. After submitting requests, some received detailed explanations.
In response to the requests, the Department of Education decided to make the numbers available to the public. However, it declined to provide any details about how the numbers are generated.